Ribda, Rajkot aasthaagroindustries.info@gmail.com
Note : We help you to Grow your Business


    1. Frist Time in Automatic Seed Drill Machine, an Over-Sliding Mechanism with the Gear System.
    2. A Company Operating for 10 Years.
    3. Front and Rear Pipelined Hopper System.
    4. The Round-type Box System Below For The Optimal Convenience of Emptying the Barrel of Seeds
    5. Double Bushing System for Staight Movement of the Wheel.
    6. Bumper with Top-line and Jack System for System for Straightforward Adjustments.
    7. Rotor and Bushing Made from High-quality Plastic.
    8. Automated seed drill machine to enhance fuel efficiency for the benefit of our farming community.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon